What is your JOINTstatus?

What Do JOINTstat® Blood Levels Mean

JOINTstat® measures a specific protein in blood,
which is often present in people with RA.

JOINTstat® provides your doctor with biological information to support his/her clinical assessment of your RA.

Studies to date have shown that 14-3-3η:

  • When positive (>0.19 ng/ml), provides a 5-50 times greater likelihood of having RA versus non-RA.
  • Is involved in driving RA by increasing the levels of harmful inflammation and joint damage factors; less 14-3-3η is better.
  • Is positive in patients with joint pain who develop RA within 5 years of symptom onset.
  • At high levels (>0.80 ng/ml) is an indicator of RA that will lead to more joint damage over 3 years. 
  • At lower levels (<0.40 ng/ml or negative in RA diagnosed patients) is an indicator of a higher likelihood of response to RA therapy.
  • Decreasing levels with treatment or over time, indicate a favorable response and outcome.
  • Overall, patients who are negative or who have low levels (<0.40 ng/ml) have a more favorable outcome. 

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